A riding club for riders who love to ride and are glad to help others while doing it. 

Can't join, but want to help? Just donate in the lower right corner :)

Olcott Lions Dice Run Olcott Lions Dice Run

2022 Join WNY Lions First Riding Club

We are very excited to have the first of its kind in Riding club in Western New York. The WNY Riding Lions is a specialty club for those who love the freedom that comes with cruising. It's for those who enjoy motorcyclists coming together for friendship, fun, the love of riding, and the ability to help people while doing it.

Currently, we are looking for enthusiasts who would be interested in joining us to love to ride. Simply let us know who you are here and we'll be in contact as soon as we can to get information to you regarding our club.

This club is set it up as part of Lions Club International, the largest and one of the oldest community service organizations in the world. You can live anywhere in Western New York if you want to join.  

Preferred qualification:
* Loves to ride.  
* Proficient, safe, and licensed rider.
* Motorcycle owner or partner with someone who is a proficient, safe rider who has a motorcycle.
* Family and community oriented.
* Willing to have fun and participate in organized rides representing all WNY Lions Clubs.
* Willingness to give back to local communities by utilizing the passion of motorcycling.

Contact us here:

WNY Riding Lions   |   716.253.1523   |   Powered by EmergeHelps™ 
© 2022 WNY Riding Lions

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